Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

When we choose the place to celebrate our wedding, the first thing we do is imagine like it will be as this day, and although sometimes the celings needs no further decoration, there are places and people who prefer to print their characteristic touch in this area lounge.

Can be used to decorate fabric, balloons, lights, lamps, among other items, but best of all is that, when the decoration work has been completed, the results are striking,

Note that it is recommended not to overdo the decoration of a room if the ceiling is low, or do, choose decorations flat to save space.

Here are some ideas that are sure to help:

Decoration with white linen cloths, black and pink, and amid a detail balloon, ideal for reception rooms decorated based on balloons.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

Decoration with white gauze, as you can notice the ceiling height allows this type of work.

Wedding decoration for ceilings

Decoration in white gauze also, were also used round Chinese lanterns and lights. 

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

Delicate decoration based on thin strips of white gauze, which intersect them in different parts.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

Based decor and light fabric, in this particular case, only two sections are worked.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

This particular room has beautiful chandeliers, pendants, so the decor had to make prudent leaving spaces to be able to appreciate the beauty of these items.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

If you prefer to use Chinese round lanterns , the result, as you see in the picture, is simply stunning.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

If you like the above idea, but want something brighter, then what you need is what we present in the following image.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

Beautiful interior decoration ceiling of the reception room, it was used for thin white gauze cloth and with a bit of taste, it is possible to achieve this visual effect.

Wedding decoration for ceilings 1

I hope you enjoyed these ideas. 

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